*1977 Brunei (RI)

Dario Puggioni was born in Brunei and attained his artistic training in Rome. Currently, he lives and works in Berlin.

His artistic pursuits delve into the interplay between classical figure drawing and contemporary themes, exploring the material essence of surfaces. Employing a meticulous approach, Puggioni combines various reactive materials including enamel, ink, acetic acid, and oil on aluminum and copper substrates. Through layered application, his works develop a surface reminiscent of 'skin,' undergoing processes of peeling, decay, and dynamic movement. The paint itself assumes a dual role, serving both as the canvas surface and as the vital 'skin' of portrayed figures. His depictions, while exuding an air of serenity, also evoke a profound sense of turmoil, suggesting a modern reinterpretation of ancient martyrs often depicted in states of immobility, restraint, or embryonic forms.

Peristoma IV, 2016
100 x 70 cm
oil on paper glued on canvas
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