*1972 Milan (IT)

Maurizio L’Altrella was born 1972 in Milan, where he lives and works.

His influences and his inspiration pass mainly through the observation of the great masters of the ‘500’ 600 Flemish, Italian, Spanish and those of the nineteenth and twentieth century including Eduard Manet, Caspar David Friedrich, William Turner, Francis Bacon, Lucian Freud, Gerhard Richter.

His gaze is also involved in an important way by contemporary masters who express themselves with types of media other than painting, such as Bill Viola, Peter Greenaway, Philippe Parreno, Pierre Huyghe and others.

Metamorphosis of Daphne, 2022
80 x 80 cm
oil on canvas
Immobilità Dello Spirito, 2018
120 x 100 cm
oil on canvas
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